Questions 7th grade students Turkmen/Russian students would like to ask American high school students: What is your family like? What are your friends like? Do you have any hobbies? What do you study in school? What's your school like? Do you have pets? What is your town like? What do you do in your free time? Do you play any sports? Have you been to any other countries? What do you know about Turkmenistan? Do you want to come to Turkmenistan? Have you ever met anyone from another country? Do you have brothers or sisters? Do you have a car? What are the girls like in America? Do you like to dance? What kind of music do you like? Do you like to go to discos? Do you like to watch TV? Do you like to play video games? What kind of clothes do you wear? Do you have an email address? Can I come visit you? What do you like to eat? Do you like to read books? What kind of books? Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? What do you want to do in the future?